
The Berne Convention, the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT) and the Phonograms Treaty (WPPT) set the international standards for public performance rights. These treaties for sustained growth , require member states to provide copyright holders to authorise the public performance of their works, legitimately, including in digital and online environments or to prohibit the infringers from illegal public communication.

The Copyright Act, 1957, as amended by the Copyright Amendment Act, 2012, aligns with international treaties by expanding the scope of “public performance rights” to include digital performances. The 2012 amendment specifically addresses “public performance rights” , which Benefits the Content Owners from on-demand services, electronic storage, streaming by Radio stations , OTT Platforms, Broadcasters of Satellites & Cables etc and further extends the inherent performance rights collection of royalties for the contents of the Owners on “public performance rights” assignment as detailed at the website with Tariff Rate Card and Payment Gateways for issuing Public performance License to the potential Licensees.